Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Opportunities and Challenges in Management, Economics and Accounting
Year: 2019
The effect of business age, financial management, potential investment and information technology on the financial performance of smes
Theresia Dwi Hastuti, Ridwan Sandjaya and Freddy Koeswoyo
The development of information technology that is increasingly widespread is very influential on the development of SME businesses. Financial statements as a tool for analyzing financial performance can provide information about financial position, business development, business performance and company cash flow and can be used as a basis for making economic decisions. Understanding of accounting standards specifically for SMEs can help SMEs in making business decisions. Information technology support and potential investment in SMEs are important factors that can help improve the financial performance of SMEs. Potential investment can be seen from the development of market tastes and reflection on the development of SME businesses. Potential investment is also obtained by innovating in production and marketing. The development of the SME business is in line with increasing business age. This shows the ability to survive batik business in facing the times and business competition. This study examines the factors that influence the financial performance of SMEs, using a sample of Lasem batik entrepreneurs. Lasem Batik Business is a business that developed from the Dutch colonial era until now it is still maintained and developed following the times. The development of written batik is strongly supported by local governments which often help its development by promoting the business potential of UKM batik through exhibitions, and improving the quality of batik produced. Data analysis was performed using multiple regression by using eviews program which are currently widely used by researchers to test the research model that they formulate.
Keywords: financial management, potential investment, financial performance, SMEs.