Scaffolding self-regulation in distance higher education: Design guidelines for reflection

Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on New Trends in Teaching and Education

Year: 2022



Scaffolding self-regulation in distance higher education: Design guidelines for reflection

Slaviša Radović and Niels Seidel



Self-regulated learning (SRL) is becoming increasingly important for emerging learning environments in online and distance higher education. This is a process in which students activate and maintain their emotions, cognitions, behaviors, and affects that are systematically directed toward achieving their learning goals. To help learners develop and regulate their SRL skills, institutions of higher education are implementing various degrees of adaptive and personalized learning environments (APLE). These learning environments are able to identify each learner’s needs and then guide them to support their learning planning and monitoring. Nevertheless, recent research evidence suggests that quite a number of higher education students develop poor reflection skills, are unable to accurately calibrate and orient their learning, overestimate their understanding, and ultimately avoid self-assessment. Underdevelopment of these skills hinders SRL and correspondingly learning process, learners’ motivation and learning outcomes. Therefore, present work discusses the possibilities and approaches to strengthen the SRL through reflection instruction elements in a learning environment design. After presenting the theoretical background of reflection based on the mARC instructional design model, a more formal framework is presented that describes the implementation of reflection elements in relation to the phases of SRL and the steps of APLE. Such regulated integration of reflection into the design of learning environments seems to be a promising strategy to overcome the aforementioned APLE concerns and promote better SRL skills.

keywords:  Reflection, SRL, APLE, Adaptive and Personalized, Learning Environments .