Use Comprehensive Input Theory to Design language teaching Activities

Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Innovative Research in Education

Year: 2022



Use Comprehensive Input Theory to Design language teaching Activities

Dr. Yun Zhu



Using Comprehensible Input (CI) strategies to accomplish Second Language Acquisition (SLA) as defined by Krashen (1982) is gaining traction throughout World Language classrooms.
By providing input to students that is comprehensible, students can be introduced to new grammar and linguistic concepts that will enhance the acquisition process. Plus, teachers attempting to conduct class at the level of 90% target language use as ACTFL recommend because target language use can enhance language development.
Therefore, the author will explain the process of applying the Comprehensible Input theory and of designing graded exercises by giving an example of how to teach the topic “weather”. This session will include : 1. How and why to maximize the target language in the language classroom. 2. How to use a variety of CI strategies in the classroom to create comprehensible language, comprehensible interactions and contexts for comprehension in order to be most successful. The author will describe and illustrate some classroom-tested strategies and examples. Moreover, the author will also mention the grammatical roughnesss, teaching chanllenges and what are some possible solutions are. That is, how to design a serious of exercises that are appropriate for students’ language level. The exercises will cover linguistic (lexical, structural, etc.), discourse, and ultimately, real life perspectives of learning and practicing Chinese.
In order to maximize the target language, the author wants to discuss these problems in the classroom: 1. How do teachers know the type and difficulty of the language they should be using in class? Should they speak as if they were talking to a native speaker? What is the rate of the speech, that is, how many words a minute they talk to students is appropriate? Do they just remain the same level of speed as to all levels of students like OPI tester? They need to present material to students that strike a balance between the level of language that is not too far above students’ current language skill so that it won’t risk frustrating the students; however, how to use the target language that is too simple to prevent the students from growing their vocabulary and grammar. 2. language teachers are receiving mixed messages that range from 100% exclusive use of target language to selective integration of L1 to maximize the benefits of codeswitching.
When should L1 be used and how often? 3. In order to have effective CI, teachers need to limit the numbers of the vocabulary, however, will it apply to the higher-level or AP students who need more vocabulary input? When teaching new words and expressions, will teachers enter and reenter the language elements the same frequency along with the different levels of students?
Through the illustration, the participants will get to understand how to design graded exercises to promote students’ Chinese language acquisition process by taking account 1. teacher’s pedagogical tasks 2. students’ developmental state and skill level and 3. social contexts of the second-language learning environment.
Participants will develop skills on: 1. How to handle grammatical and linguistic chanllenges. 2. How to create comprehensible language by teaching new words. 3. How to create comprehensible interactions by setting up certain lexical and structural complexity 4. How to create more contexts for comprehension from scaffolding practices?
The author will use PPT to show illustrate: some theoretical basis and then show a detailed process of how to scaffolding students to achieve their language proficiency and communicative competence. The interactive activities will include use 1 or 2 minutes to learn French by using the Comprehensive Input strategies because the audience will be Chinese teachers and see a video guess the meaning of a new phrase.

keywords: Comprehensive Input, maximize the target language, comprehensible interactions, contexts