Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Research in Management and Economics
Year: 2021
Public Administration Management – The Significance of Organisational Theories in the Latest Reform Attempts in the Croatian Public Administration
Jelena Dujmović Bocka
The latest reform attempts in the Croatian public administration are primarily connected with the improvement of the entire public administration, starting with the state level, and descending to the levels of local and regional self-government as well as public services. The implementation of managerial values is of vital importance for the general interpretation of Croatian public administration development. The elements of managerial approach such as responsibility for the results, assessment and rewarding of the officials, have been implemented in the legal regulations. This specifically refers to the Act on the State Administration System and Law on Civil Servants. The author firstly analyses key organisational theories, reflects on the former studies regarding organisation, classical, neoclassical, and modern theory of organisation, presents the organisational structure as vital element of every administrative organisation by introducing its most significant types. The aim of the paper is to indicate relevant organisational theories, primarily those that mostly affect the implementation of adequate values in administrative organisations. The research shows that every organisation should implement the type of organisational theory, which will in the foreseeable future, contribute to professionalisation and depoliticization of public administration relying principally on legal and economic values. The scientific contribution is evident in three elements: analysis of key organisational theories, analysis of the role and significance of organisational structure and overview of optimal tendencies in the development of public administration with the purpose of implementing thorough reform of administration.
keywords: Public Administration Management, Responsibility for the Results, Reforms, Organisational Theories, Organisational Structure.