Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Social Sciences in the 21st Century
Year: 2022
Global Moral Harassment
Dr. Ana Stefanescu, Dr. Mihaela Agheniței
The European Commission has introduced measures to ensure the safety and health of employees at work. The Framework Directive (89/391) provides for fundamental regulations in the field of occupational safety and health, as well as the responsibility of employers to prevent injuries, including those resulting from moral harassment. All Member States have implemented this Directive in their own legislation, some of which have also developed guidelines for the prevention of harassment at work. In accordance with the approaches in the Framework Directive, in order to eliminate or reduce moral harassment, employers, in consultation with employees and their representatives, must:
Measures to prevent and combat sexual harassment and sexual harassment in the workplace, in public and in political life were taken in the EU and by the European Parliament Resolution of 11 September 2018 on preventing and combating sexual harassment and sexual harassment at work. workplace, public spaces and political life in the EU (2018/2055 (INI)). Thus, all forms of violence against women, as described in CEDAW and in the Istanbul Convention, are categorically condemned, violence that characterizes harassment, both physically and especially morally. (P8_TA (2018) 0331).
keywords: European Commission, employers, prevention, measures, violence, accordance.