- Feb 28, 2023
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 5th-icfss
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Future of Social Sciences
Year: 2023
Changes in The Structure of The Macedonian Family (Research on Young People’s Perceptions of Their Family of Origin)
Makedonka Radulovic, Irena Avirovic Bundalevska, Angelka Keskinova
Although the family as a community in which people are grouped for joint life has existed for a long time, in the last few decades it has undergone numerous changes in regard to the structure. Globally, changes have been felt for a long time as a result of industrialization, urbanization and increased participation of women in the labor market. Families tend to modernize, reorganize and shrink. After the independence of the Republic of North Macedonia (1991), such changes have become more expressly recorded in the Macedonian society as well. Macedonian families increasingly migrate from villages to cities, fewer children are born, and women are educated and employed. Hence, slowly but surely, the dominant model of extended traditional families is being abandoned in favor of egalitarian nuclear families. The family tends to shrink and become estranged.
This paper aims to confirm this claim, thereby taking into consideration young people’s perceptions of their family of origin. To that end, the data of two research studies from 2014 and 2022 were compared, in which young people aged 18-22 answer identical questions about the family they come from. In addition, this paper takes into consideration the available statistical indicators of the number and size of households, as well as other researches on similar topics.
keywords: family, family of origin, young people, household, changes of the family