Implementation of Robotics Projects for Students

Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Advanced Research in Teaching and Education

Year: 2022



Implementation of Robotics Projects for Students

Batbayar Sereeter and Lkhamsuren Shagdarsuren



This article will discuss the delivery of STEM education to students through robotics and its training programs and projects. The use of technology in teaching can be effective in teaching of hardware and software courses at higher education institutions as well as mathematics, physics and biology classes at secondary school. The National University of Mongolia offered students who study engineering and computing extracurricular program. The students of software and information technology majors learned robotics, computer programming and the program developed students logical thinking, problem solving and critical thinking skills as well in project-based learning environment. Students accomplished several tasks and missions while developing logical and creative solutions to problems using LEGO Mindstorms NXT. Mindstorms NXT set includes programmable brick, sensors, and motor with visual programming environment. It enables new programmers; learners make a program for robot using this visual programming environment easily. This paper describes how to use ROBOTC in delivery of robotics learning and discusses the effects of robotics learning and teaching in STEM education.

keywords: robot design, innovation, virtual environment, training program, training robot.