- Jun 15, 2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 5th-iachss
Proceedings of The 5th International Academic Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences
Year: 2021
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/5th.iachss.2021.06.372
The Process of Teaching in the Light of Modern Pedagogy: EFL Teachers Pedagogical Reflection
Maroua ROGTI
The last decade has witnessed a major trend towards integrating modern teaching approaches in English language classes. This integration has increased because these approaches, as educational tools, can provide accessible and prompt information and a great potential for interactive learning environment and communication, which can motivate students in the classroom. Therefore, one of the effects of the new pedagogies of teaching is the decentralization of the role of the teacher in the learning situation. Despite of that, educational curricula have recognized the role of the teacher in implementing those approaches in their classes which involve teacher’s self-reflection on his own practice. Ultimately, professional growth characterizes the role of the teacher progressively through a process of reflection in the classroom. Pedagogical reflection can make the teacher more aware about engaging in accomplishing tasks and getting more involved in directing and monitoring their classroom. This study has deliberately examined the extent to which the teaching profession has developed due to the drastic change in technology and development of teaching pedagogies. It also tempted to bridge the gap between teacher’s reflective practice and students’ response on the teacher’s pedagogical reflection. The study adopted a survey administered to a sample of teachers of English at ENS of Laghouat in order to recognize their implications about their reflective practice and pedagogical reflection in the learning process. Accordingly, the results determined practical support of teachers to address the learning interests and needs of students through the role of the teacher in the process of reflection.
Keywords: EFL educational curriculum, problem-solving process, process of reflection, reflective practice, students’ response.