- Aug 24, 2022
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 5th-educationconf
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Advanced Research in Education
Year: 2022
Application of Moral Education Theory to Reform Madrassah Education, Pedagogical Strategies to Combat Terrorism in Pakistan
Dr. Ibtasam Thakur
Extremism and fundamentalism have become buzzwords in the global war on terror, and are continually attached to Madrassah (Religious schools) in Pakistan. Unfortunately, instead of becoming a significant element of society, many of the madaris have failed to bring about healthy trends among students of madaris. Pedagogical strategies play an important role in shaping young minds.This study aims to see as to what extent application of moral education theory in curricular content and pedagogical strategies, students can be engaged constructively with their existing syllabus and teaching staff their spiritual development can be placed in right direction and culture of tolerance can be promoted for all religions. This study focuses on application of Kohlberg’s theory and its application in Deeni Madaris with the help of self-constructed questionnaire and focus group discussion. Nine Deobandi madaris from district Lahore was selected purposively in the study. Purposive sampling technique was used. Currently this work is in progress with the University of Cambridge, UK. Through this study, researcher will be able to identify the major challenges i.e., teaching methodology through rote learning, physical punishment, outdated curriculum, socio economic factors, funding without external audit, improper policies and let go attitude of higher authorities. This study provides the professional development of teachers who are working in these Madaris through teachers’ training module being suggested to improve the level of pedagogy on modern lines instead of rote learning and physical punishment.
keywords: Terrorism, Madrassah education, pedagogy, moral education.