- Jan 3, 2022
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 4th-wcfeducation
Proceedings of The 4th World Conference on Future of Education
Year: 2021
Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Teaching Folk Epics
Dilshoda Bozorova, Fariza Kholdarova, Ivan Reshetnikov and Nazokat Yusufjonova
The article illuminates the results of research on the current state of teaching folk eposes in general secondary schools and further improvements of its teaching technologies. The study examines the views of pupils of secondary schools and literature teachers in Uzbekistan on the specifics of teaching the subject of folk epics and presents the analytical results. Fifty teachers and 95 pupils participated in the survey and answered questions about what methods are used in teaching eposes, and what were the difficulties on mastering them. This research aims to identify the role of teachers in teaching folk epics and the activity of schoolchildren in acquiring them.
keywords: literature, teachers, pupils/schoolchildren, folk eposes/epics, textbook.