- Dec 16, 2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 4th-wcfeducation
Proceedings of The 4th World Conference on Future of Education
Year: 2021
Bond Together Inc
Lukasz Lisowski
Bond (BOdy and miND) Together is a company supporting schools in providing their students with a valuable curriculum for emotional and physical wellness. The Bond Together program is a video-learning platform for grades 1-5. Healthy bodies are nurtured through cardio, strength, stretch and dance routines. Emotional and mental strength is supported by our mindfulness exercises which include gratitude, reframing thoughts, mindfulness, emotion regulation and growth mindset. Each of these skills have tremendous physical and neurological benefits. Our curriculum may be used in a classroom, online by a teacher, or directly by students in their homes for remote learning. Our program is designed to run Monday – Friday for 4 consecutive weeks as part of the students’ “class day.” Each video is 10 minutes long and can be implemented as a brain break, to help meet the Department of Education’s Physical Education time requirements, and as a tool for helping students regulate their emotions. Research has shown that utilizing exercise and mindfulness during the school day helps improve concentration, memory, and mood, which in turn improves students’ academic performance. If we Bond Together, we will come out stronger!
keywords: confidence; exercise; focus; mindfulness; wellness.