Measuring Students’ Performance In Face To Face And Online Learning – An Empirical Evidence From Oman In The Pre And During The Covid-19 Pandemic Period

Proceedings of The 4th International Academic Conference on Teaching, Learning and Education

Year: 2022



Measuring Students’ Performance In Face To Face And Online Learning – An Empirical Evidence From Oman In The Pre And During The Covid-19 Pandemic Period

Safiya Saif Nasser Al Hamdi, Laly Antoney Edakkalayil



The education sector has witnessed a paradigm shift in how the curriculum was delivered during the Covid-19 pandemic. Most of the higher educational institutions have been prompted to propel their regular course delivery mode from offline mode into a less familiar online mode to both the  teachers and students  This transition has resulted in a differing student’s learning performance, which was not investigated much by the academic community. This paper discusses how students’ learning performance differs in higher education in technological business education in face-to-face and online learning classroom settings. The study considers data of 101 graduate students from an Oman Technical University, selected systematically from the university database for consecutive two semesters in a face to face learning context in the pre-pandemic semester and online mode semester during the pandemic. Descriptive and inferential tools are used for analysis. Paired t-test shows statistical significance between the mean student’s performance in  Face to face and  Online mode  of learning. Gender  analysis depicts that male students have performed better in online learning than in face-to-face learning environments. Female students found F2F mode is more convenient and suitable to give  best performance, contrary to males’ performance, where they prefer to be online.

keywords: Higher education, F2F Learning, Online Learning, student performance, academic probation.