- Feb 10, 2022
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 4th-ntteconf
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on New Trends in Teaching and Education
Year: 2022
Use of a literary work for interdisciplinary teaching, enhancing the student’s general culture – description of concepts and teaching methods
Alexandra Juster
My contribution is based on the observation that the promotion of general knowledge is often neglected in schools and that in many cases students themselves acquire li le general cultural knowledge outside the classroom.
The present proposal is intended to provide prospective teachers with a practical method and guidance for the subject-didactic design of literature lessons for high school students between 15 and 19 years of age, with associated interdisciplinary learning content, in order to improve the student’s general knowledge culture.
The aim is to show the intertextual treatment of a literary work on the one hand, and its interdisciplinary possibilities for expansion and exploitation on the other, whereby the discussion of the work is to serve as a starting point and framework for the teaching of general knowledge that goes beyond it.
It is my intention to provide a complete work of detailed subject knowledge on Corpus Delicti and its interdisciplinary references, completed by detailed suggestions for lesson planning – and design, the teaching method and the tasks to be set for the students. I will deliver examples of subject-specific knowledge on the interdisciplinary treatment of the work as well as methodological-didactic approaches. A concrete interdisciplinary teaching proposal will thus be illustrated and sketched out on the basis of the work Corpus Delicti by Juli Zeh.
After a short introduction to the work Corpus Delicti itself (1.), I will point out the relevance, for a be er understanding of the work, of the knowledge of the contemporary author Juli Zeh, her background, experiences and views (2.) as well as examples of intertextual connections between Corpus Delicti and other relevant works by Juli Zeh (3.), on the one hand, and works by other authors (4). on the other hand. The literary contextualisation will be followed by the treatment of historical
(5.), philosophical (6.) and legal (7.) references of Corpus Delicti.
A practical example of lesson planning will be given for each teaching topic.
keywords: Interdisciplinary teaching – literature – general culture – methods and didactics.