- Sep 9, 2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 4th-ictle
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Teaching, Learning and Education
Year: 2021
Analysis of ESP Course from the Lenses of University Students
Dr. Sevim INAL
English for Specific Purposes (ESP), which aims to meet specific needs of learners in a specialized field, is one of the most notable areas of English Foreign Language teaching. This research paper gathers the opinions of the university students taking ESP course. One of the most significant demands for the departments of Economics, Tourism, Biology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, International Trade, Archaeology, Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Sociology, Political Science and Public Administration, Medicine, Chinese Literature, Fashion Design, Economics and Administrative Science, Bank Insurance, Agricultural Machinery, Physical Education and Sport Teaching, Public Relations and Publicity, and Logistics. is to be able to speak and understand English however the majority of the graduates from those departments cannot use the target language effectively in their work-related areas. Therefore, this paper examines the content of topics covered in the ESP courses of the mentioned programmes. A questionnaire with 27 items exploring students’ opinions on the content, exam, materials, assignments prepared by Tupurtu (2017), and an open- ended question were administrated to the participants to identify their opinions and gather their recommendations on ESP course they received in their first year of university. Data collection survey was done via google forms. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses were employed. A “Frequencies analysis”, “Independent Samples T-Test”, “One Way ANOVA” were actualized to collect the data and “Maxqda 20 analysis” was used to create codes for open- ended question. These tests and analysis were used to identify the results with the help of “Frequencies analysis”, “Independent Samples T-Test”, “One Way ANOVA”, and “Maxqda 20 analysis”. The results indicated that ESP course taught at the university level is more grammar oriented and they demanded that the course should focus more on spoken skills and everyday language. Participants, considered classroom presentation as a tool to improve speaking and ESP course should designed in such a way that students can prepare presentations. A group suggested that field-specific vocabulary activities should be taught in in ESP course. The results showed that students are holding similar opinion about ESP course instruction. Additionally, there is no a significant difference between male and female students in terms of the value and effectiveness of ESP instruction. The results discussed and the possible solutions were put forward.
keywords: English for Specific Purpose (ESP), ESP instructions, students’ suggestions.