- Sep 5, 2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 4th-ictle
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Teaching, Learning and Education
Year: 2021
Problems and Strategies of UC – SHS Teachers in the Implementation of Online Classes
Sahlee Albidas
At present, most schools online class as one medium of communication between teacher and student. The University of the Cordilleras is one of the universities that implements online class as a tool to continuously provide education to their students. Face to face is no longer applicable thus teachers and students meet through the use of technological devices like cellphones, laptops, and desktop. This study focuses on the problems and strategies of UC – SHS teachers in the implementation of an online classes. This study aims to give answer to the problems encountered by teachers in the implementation of online class. This research also aims to determine the strategies of teachers and ways on how teachers implement the said strategies during the implementation of online class. The researcher used interview as a tool to gather data. University of the Cordilleras Senior High School teachers were the respondents in this study. The questions given are base from the statement of the problem of this research. Most of the teachers were not ready with the new system of education. Based on the result, most of the respondents answered internet connection as one of the major problem. Another problem mentioned is the poor attendance of the students, participation of the students during class discussion and lastly, insufficient knowledge and skills on social/ technological platforms/devices of teachers. These are the problems encountered by the UC – SHS teachers during the implementation of online class. Because of the problems encountered by the teachers, they also give some strategies on how to address these problems. They mentioned that the teacher should first know all possible ways on how to communicate with students especially those who have limited internet connection. Publishing of lecture video in canvas would be a good supplement. Teachers should encouraged their students to attend synchronous classes. The teacher provides alternative means on how the students can recite and share their ideas in class. Technology nowadays is a big factor in education, as a teacher it is very important for them to be knowledgeable in using technological devices especially at present because of the implementation of online classes. Teachers should accept the challenge and changes in the education system. Flexibility and communication has a big role in conducting online classes. Since conducting online classes is not that easy, teachers should be flexible enough on how to conduct his/her classes. The teacher should think of other means on how to deliver the lesson for them to have perfect attendance and to have a very interactive class. Communication is also needed, teachers should have a communication with their students as well as to their parents. They need to inform the students to attend synchronous classes and to remind them about their requirements. Parents should also be informed about the performance of their child/ward. Being able to communicate is a good factor for a teacher to be effective and efficient.
Keywords: Online Class, Problem, Strategy, Teaching.