Education of Social Communication and Early Detection of Territorial Applices in Prevention of Social Conflicts in Indonesia Education and Training of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia

Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Research in Education

Year: 2021


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Education of Social Communication and Early Detection of Territorial Applices in Prevention of Social Conflicts in Indonesia Education and Training of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia

Dian Damayanti



Social communication education and early detection of territorial apparatus in the prevention of social conflicts in Indonesia education and training agencies of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia carry out tasks in regional commands with the dynamics and fluctuations of social change that are constantly changing. Therefore, serious action by the Territorial Apparatus is needed in anticipating the existence of conflict vulnerability in Indonesian territory.

Through social communication and early detection, it is hoped that a strong fighting space can be created in increasing awareness of threats. This study aims to determine the social communication and early detection carried out by the territorial apparatus in the region, the forms of social conflict prevention carried out and the relationship between social communication and early detection and social conflict prevention carried out by the apparatus. This study uses a qualitative method.

Based on the research, it is obtained data that the ability of social services and early detection of the apparatus up to now has not been fully in line with expectations, especially in supporting the government to prepare national potential to become a national defense force, efforts to prevent social conflicts in Indonesian territory must be adjusted to the needs of the community and the development of information technology to be appropriate. and effective, as well as the relationship between social communication and early detection of territorial officials in the prevention of social conflicts in the territory of Indonesia in addition to being strengthened by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia no. No. 34 of 2004 is also based on people’s trust in Apparatus.

keywords: social communication, early detection, territorial apparatus, social conflict, education.