Waste Fashion Product Design

Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Research in Social Sciences and Humanities

Year: 2021

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/4th.icrsh.2021.10.235

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Waste Fashion Product Design

Asst. Prof. Worasuda Khwansuwan,and Asst. Prof. Satinee Wattanakit



Nowadays, the world is facing a severe environmental crisis. Due to the development of technology and population growth, a large quantity of consumption goods such as food, clothes and dwelling is produced to serve people’s demand. As a result, humans are continually creating a huge production of waste. Industries and households generate an excessive amount of waste or garbage which is a major threat to the environment. If we do not address this issue seriously, we are doomed for environmental disaster. Regarding to this concern, one solution of waste disposal that helps to minimize the excessive residual waste is the use of 3R (Reuse, Reduce and Recycle). This process involves recycling and transforming waste materials into fashionable value-added items. Not only does it reduce the amount of waste pollution, but it also adds the value of waste and creates income for the people.

This research project adopted the principles of arts and design to transform waste materials into value-added products such as home decoration items and fashion products. The process involved using the elements of design such as size, shape and color which resulted in beautifully designed and new products from waste materials. Moreover, the body of knowledge gained from this research contributed to the community. The people in the target community have been taught to make their own products from waste materials. Through the recycling of waste, they could create their new products while reducing the impact of waste on the environment. This research is, therefore, helps to promote job opportunity, sustainability and practical solutions for reducing waste.

keywords: waste, fashion product design.