Supporting the Leadership of Educational Change: Lessons Learned

Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning

Year: 2022



Supporting the Leadership of Educational Change: Lessons Learned

Paula MacKinnon and Heather Hemming



Change is a process through which individuals and organisations gradually learn and hone new knowledge and skills and become proficient in their use (Hall & Hord, 2015). A common approach to assist with educational change in developing countries is to engage external consultants. With the goal that change is culturally appropriate and possible in the organisational setting, consultations and stakeholder engagement are cornerstones to the methodology. Mindbloom, typically engages in consultations with stakeholders recursively ensuring context sensitivity and partnership development viewed as critical as for buy-in, commitment, and diligence of the ground level implementers. This study explores the methodology used in two initiatives. The first case occurred prior to Covid-19  was focused on programmatic renewal of the Faculty of Science and Technology at The University of the West Indies (Cave Hill) . The second case , occurred during the pandemic,  aimed at strengthening system leadership in the Ministry of Education in Saint Lucia. Each project had the common goal to support significant educational system change but given the inability to meet during 2021, technology and virtual engagement were necessary. The implications of this change to relying on  technology are important to understand. Using a compare and contrast analysis of the framework for supporting educational change is examined . Questions discussed include: How were the pivotal elements of the methodology different and what remained the same? What rationale was there for elements that were modified, changed? What, if anything was lost and what, if anything was enriched?

keywords: Consultancies, Covid- 19, Developing counties, Virtual engagement.