Analysis of Labor Productivity in the Telecom sector during the COVID-19 crisis: Qualitative Study in a Public Company of the Telecom Sector in Algeria

Proceedings of The 4th International Conference On Business, Management and Finance

Year: 2021


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Analysis of Labor Productivity in the Telecom sector during the COVID-19 crisis: Qualitative Study in a Public Company of the Telecom Sector in Algeria

Dr .NEDIL Lamia, Dr. ZEROUTI Messaoud



The object of our research is to propose an improvement plan for the public company in the Telecom sector in Algeria, through a qualitative study of labor productivity. To do this, we started with observations in the field targeting the commercial telecommunications agencies, from which we started a qualitative study where we interviewed 10 agents who work as managers of the commercial telecommunications agencies selected in around 10 commercial agencies in the departement of Algiers in Algeria. Indeed, these surveys were carried out at different times during the COVID-19 health crisis in order to collect the information necessary for our research. The results obtained using the interview guide, showed us that the labor productivity at the level of these commercial agencies is better during COVID-19 from an economic, social, societal and environmental standpoint.

keywords: Public company of the Telecom sector in Algeria, qualitative study, Interview guide, Labor productivity