- Nov 25, 2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 4th-icarss
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Advanced Research in Social Sciences
Year: 2021
Socio-Economic Impact On Low- And High-Income Communities for The State of Jharkhand Due to Climate Change
Bhupesh Upadhyay, Chesta Dhingra
Rise in urbanization, industrialization and anthropocentric activities caused an increase in temperature by 1oC. Extremities and anomalies like heavy precipitation, frequent heat waves, drought, rise in sea level and melting of snow & glaciers are the consequences of climate change. India with diversified climate conditions is more prone to climate hazards. Globally, India ranks at 7th position in climate vulnerability and loss due to extreme weather according to German Watch on Climate Risk Index 2021. Approximately 8 states of India are exhibiting high level concentration of vulnerable districts. Among which 60% districts of Jharkhand are highly susceptible to climate change because of constant increase in maximum temperature and solar radiation. From 1984 to 2014 an increase of avg. max temperature between 1-1.50 C had been observed in the state. So, these Climate change costs are unequally borne by unequally diversified society & it is slowing down the process of poverty reduction thus, increasing inequality. It happens because vulnerable communities are dependent on natural resources and agriculture for their living. These communities have handful of resources and capabilities to deal with climate variability and extremes as 36.96% of Jharkhand population lives below the national poverty percentage. Monetary inequality gets worse with inclusion of climate change burden like extended dry spells, frequent heat waves and extreme precipitation. It leads to poor health conditions, outbreak of vector borne diseases, poor social-economic status and displacement. Thus, in the paper we will try to establish that how climate change impacts the social -economic status of localized people of Jharkhand directly or indirectly.
keywords: Climate extremities; Cost of Climate Change; Heat Waves; Vulnerable States;Drought & Flood.