- Nov 24, 2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 4th-icarss
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Advanced Research in Social Sciences
Year: 2021
Work-Life Integration and Resilience During the Pandemic: An Empirical Study On Working Professionals
Dr. Shikha Bhardwaj, Diksha Sharma
To understand the interplay between socio-economic demographic variables, work-life integration (WLI), and resilience during unprecedented times. The study is an effort to investigate the present state of working professionals in relation to work-life integration under contemporary socio-economic demographic dimensions and further test the relationship between resilience and WLI. A mixed-method of research with interviews as well as the questionnaire is used. With 101 datasets of working professionals from India, five socio-economic demographic variables are identified -generation type, industry, present position in organisation, family status, and average working hours per week. The chi-square results represent a significant effect of these socio-economic demographic variables on WLI and subsequently, correlation illustrates a positive relationship between resilience and WLI. Based on regression, a conceptual model is proposed, that represents socio-economic demographic factors that affect WLI and WLI influences resilience.
keywords: Work-life integration; Resilience; Socio-economic; Pandemic; Working Professionals; Empirical study.