- Sep 13, 2020
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 4th-iachss
Proceedings of The 4th International Academic Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences
Year: 2020
National Identity Attachment and Its Variables
Tri Windari
National Identity and nationalism have proven to maintain its importance in economy, social, and political behavior despite its fluid character in a globalized and modernized world. Drew upon the conception of “imagined communities” by Benedict Anderson and the Social Identity Theory by Tajfel and Turner, national identity as a part of social identity is characterized as dynamic and plastic. It is relatively influenced by external and internal factors of individuals, including by time and space. This fluid trait makes national identity uneasy to explain and measure. This study is based on secondary sources in analyzing national identity attachment and its possible affecting variables by focusing at the individual level. This study found that education, age, gender, ethnicity, religion, and media access have contributed to individual’s national identity attachment. This study may contribute in improving the understanding of national identity attachment in diverse societies, analyzing its political behavior, and address the problems of racism or ethnoreligious-linguistic conflicts. Hence, it may also contribute in a better policymaking.
Keywords: education; dominant groups; fluid character; imagined communities; social identity theory.