- Mar 15, 2022
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 4th-bmeconf
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Applied Research in Business, Management and Economics
Year: 2022
Novel Green Marketing Strategy Boosting Customer Revisit in Hospitality Industry
Nguyen Huu Hoang Tho, Huynh Anh Tuan and Ly Thi My Hanh
Recently, green marketing strategy (GMS) has been a concern by scholars and companies because many companies are struggling with sustainable goals. GMS’s role toward revisiting behavioral intention in the hospitality industry is essential for companies to develop a new green marketing strategy. However, there are few previous studies focused on this work. Thus, the purpose of this research is to fill this theoretical gap. Drawing on service-dominant logic (S-DL), ability-opportunity-motivation (AOM) framework, and existing marketing liter-ature, authors prose a conceptual model that presents the relationships between green market-ing strategy and revisiting behavioral intention. Our research clarifies (1) mediating role of customers’ green engagement or the relationship of green marketing strategy (green knowledge sharing) on revisiting behavioral intention and (2) moderating role of social media usage on the relationship of firm’s green knowledge sharing on customers’ green engagement. This paper contributes to existing literature in extending (1) S-DL application in green context to investigate the GMS-revisiting behavioral intention relationship, and (2) AOM framework to explore the moderating effect of this work that gives a theoretical suggestion to scholars working in sustainable marketing management as well as in hospitality industry.
keywords: Firm’s green knowledge sharing; Social media usage; Customer’s green engagement; Revisiting behavioral intention.