Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Dairy Waste Scum-Based Biodiesel Supply Chain Under the Paradigm of Sustainability: Part 2 Total Production Size of The Material Flows on The Bulgarian Scale

Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Supply Chain Management

Year: 2023



Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Dairy Waste Scum-Based Biodiesel Supply Chain Under the Paradigm of Sustainability: Part1: Optimal Structure and Size of Flows on The Bulgarian Scale

Dr. Desislava Nikolova, Yunzile Dzhelil, Konstantina Galcheva





Climate change, environmental problems, limited oil reserves and the complex economic situation in many parts of the world are among the main prerequisites for the search for suitable sustainable energy alternatives. The production of biodiesel is considered to be one of the particularly promising ones. The biodiesel has a number of advantages over fossil fuels however, high production costs are one of the main difficulties that hinder its economic viability. With the growing importance of biofuels and in particular biodiesel it is necessary the optimal functioning of not only the individual production unit, but also of each element of the supply chain. This paper presents the use of a mathematical modeling approach to optimize the dairy waste scum – based biodiesel supply chain considering aspect of sustainability. The main purpose is to highlight the opportunities to minimizing economic cost, taking into account the environmental impact. MILP model was developed according to which the environmental impact is measured in terms of the total greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the activity over the entire life cycle. The environmental impact is part of optimization criterion which is determined depending on the total investment costs for the biodiesel production facilities, costs for the construction of production facilities and the functioning of the supply chain for the period of operation. The workability of the method has been verified and demonstrated by creating a software implementation using GAMS. In this work are shown the results in terms optimal structure and size of flows on the Bulgarian scale.

keywords: biofuel, energy efficiency, MILP, optimal design, dairy production
