The Relevance of the Actual Values of the Political Actors of Georgia with the Ideologies Declared by Them

Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences in the 21st Century

Year: 2021


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The Relevance of the Actual Values of the Political Actors of Georgia with the Ideologies Declared by Them

Dr. Maia Urushadze, Dr. Tamar Kiknadze



The permanent ideological impact of the propaganda narratives of powerful political entities on the international community is perceived as one of the most important challenges of the 21st century. The international agenda is full of controversial interpretations, produced by powerful international political actors. As a result, the international media agenda is getting like the battlespace for the struggle of interpretations, where the ruthless kind of “frame-games” between the strongest global agenda-setting political entities takes place.

The information field is open for all countries, including the small states, where political parties are not strong enough to have their propaganda to resist the ideological pressure from outside. Due to this, the societies of these countries are still easily influenced by the narratives of global political actors creating a suitable psychological environment for internal conflicts in societies. We consider Georgia among these states.

Therefore, our research aimed to study the relevance of the actual values ​​of local (Georgian) political actors with the ideologies declared by them. In this regard, our primary objective was to understand the specifics of strategic communication of local political actors, then, to compare their narratives with the rhetoric of international actors, and finally, to determine the strength of local society’s resistance to these narratives.

We hope that in this way we can assess the long-term impact of global actors’ propaganda communication could have on a small country. Since our research can be perceived as a component of research on the impact of foreign propaganda on small countries in general, we think that the indicators we have selected shall be valid for similar studies in other countries. Therefore, we hope that the results of our research will be interesting for other academic studies, e.g. for different fields of social and political sciences, as well as international relations and communication studies.

The research is based on the traditional theoretical basis of political communication – agenda setting and framing theories, and game theory – to measure the weight of different political actors’ propaganda, which is permanently penetrating small countries.

Keywords: media; politics; political communication; political parties; propaganda.