- Mar 24, 2023
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 3rd-icrpconf
Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Research in Psychology
Year: 2023
Sources of meaning as a pathway to meaning in life on social well-being of African migrants in Sub-Saharan Africa
Ejoke Ufuoma Patience, Du Plessis ED, Ghanem J. Al Bustami, Mary Varghese , Smitha Dev
Meaning in life has been shown to play a role in coping processes that result in resilient adaptations, and positive adjustment in well-being studies. Enabling a meaningful structuring of life can be attained through sources of meaning. The sources are connected to a system of cultural and personal values, which direct individuals’ actions, leading them to the quest and achievement of their significant life goals. The study investigated the role of the sources of meaning in the relationship between meaning in life and the social well-being of migrants living in Uganda, Kenya, and South Africa. Data were collected using randomization and Cross-sectional survey methodology from 385 migrants. Data analysis was conducted using GSCA PLS-Sem to verify the structural and measurement models analysis and Hayes’ PROCESS 4.0 was used to confirm the moderation analysis. Results demonstrated that there was significant association among meaning in life (b = .253, p= 0.00) and social well-being while association of social well-being with presence of meaning was not significant (b = – .08, p= .23) (R2 =.044, FIT= 504, AFIT= .507, GFI= 1.00, SRMR = 0.01). The association between meaning in life and social well-being was moderated by sources of meaning (crises of meaning) as the interaction term was significant (R2 =.21, ΔR2 =.164, b = .171, t(381) = 4.17 [Cl:0.14 – 0.41], p= .000]. Results demonstrated that at a lower level of crises of meaning, migrants with average or high ratings on meaning in life reported significantly better social well-being than respondents with a low rating on meaning in life. The findings highlight the importance of sources of meaning in well-being promotion. Results also allow the development of intervention patterns that favors meaning in life discussions for migrants’ patient care as well as the review of immigration laws that are attentive to the requirements of the migrant population.
keywords: Sources of meaning, meaning in life, crisis in meaning social well-being, African migrants