- Sep 6, 2020
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 3rd-icrhs
Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Research in Humanities and Social Sciences
Year: 2020
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/3rd.icrhs.2020.09.192
The Adjustments Space-Temporary of the Capitalism and Their Incidence in the Territorial Reconfiguration of the Commune Three of the City of Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia
Wilmar Andrés Morales López, Martha Elena Roa Rodríguez, and Jimmy Alexander Pineda
This article questions the local impacts of the temporal-space adjustments of the capitalism in a global way. Its main objetctive is to interpret the effects of the informal and illicit economy (main local impacts) in the territory covered by the commune three from the city of Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia, in the XXI century. The interpretative process is structured in three moments.The first one aimed to do a contextualization of the transformations in the territory of the Colombian Orinoquía, the second one tended to identify the impacts of those territory transformations in the city of Villavicencio and finally it was done an interpretative work of the impacts of the informal and illicit economy from the perspective of the informal workers and university students who are residents in the commune three. The investigation work was conceived from an interpretative focus, methodologically it was opted an ethnographic and historical design which was complemented with the application of the SENSEMAKER software of qualitative research. It is concluded that the informal and illicit economy of the territory covered by the commune three provide the guidelines of socialization and culturalization through which a significance is achieved that incise in the semantic field of the spatiality, to the point of giving exclusion or inclusion indications to the social groups that have some relation with that territory.
Keywords: Capitalism, temporal-space adjustments, illicit and informal economy, commune three, Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia.