- Feb 24, 2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 3rd-icmhs
Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Modern Approach in Humanities and Social Sciences
Year: 2021
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/3rd.icmhs.2021.02.165
„Between two worlds” – the connections between the educational and social mobility of Roma in Hungary int he light of a career guidance program
dr. Boros Julianna
In my presentation, the research results of the career guidance model program (operating 1994-2000, within the framework of the Amrita OBK Association) promoting the educational and social mobility of the Roma population living in the Southern Transdanubia Region of Hungary are presented. The aim of the research (2016-2017) is to take a „snapshot” of the group called „Roma elite” of the Hungarian Roma population. It is to portray the group members, their jobs, their place of living, where do they stand in achieving their goals in life, in social mobility, in the process of social integration. Roma adults through qualitative and quantitative methods, who are part of civil support programs, who used to be being members of the same community, but while pursuing their own aspirations, in reaching their aims they leave their communities, and continue their life paths elsewhere. The life- interview featured (20) Roma people, and the half-structured interview will feature professionals, altogether 12. In my research I will position my argument pro the support programs and institutions set up in the 1990s, mentoring activities were of great support for Roma youth in enhancing opportunities for pursuing higher education studies or creating better opportunities for social mobility. Their effect on these aims and aspirations were evident and resulted in bringing a knowledgeable youth with marketable professions to the job market.
Keywords: roma; gypsy; Hungary; social mobility; community.