- Aug 16, 2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 3rd-icmetl
Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning
Year: 2021
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/3rd.icmetl/.2021.08.103
Analysis of the Quality of Vet Qualifications in Albanian Qualifications Framework
Ejvis (Shehi) Gishti
Quality assurance is one of the most critical elements of any qualifications framework. According to (ETF, 2016) there is a significant difference between the quality assurance of qualification providers and the quality assurance of qualifications. It represents a challenge because all qualifications have to be assured of quality before they can be included in NQF, but it is precisely this obligation that is also a major strength of the qualifications frameworks. After all, this belief serves one of the main purposes of qualifications: “to allow people to use their knowledge, skills and competencies in different environments in the world of learning and work” (ETF, 2011). Qualifications frameworks and qualifications are usually benchmarks for quality assurance, but in most countries, quality assurance systems continue to focus on the capacity of providers to provide quality education, rather than on processes related to the development and use of qualifications. However according to (ETF, 2011) there are a number of areas in which we can see a clear role that qualifications frameworks have in quality assurance. This research provides an analysis of vocational qualification quality allocated in Albanian Qualifications Framework. The analysis identifies issues on how existing qualifications respond to five elements of the qualification cycle: (i) Relevance of the qualification for the labour market; (ii) Standards on which the qualification is based; (iii) Learning process; (iv) Assessment; and (v) Certification., and as well as draws some recommendations to address these issues.
Keywords: vocational qualifications, qualification framework, quality, standards.