- Jun 1, 2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 3rd-fshconf
Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Future of Social Sciences and Humanities
Year: 2021
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/3rd.fshconf.2021.06.13
New Ways of Working in the Time of COVID-19 from the Perspective of Young People
Geranda Mulla
The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the traditional working models. The paper presents a study which first objective was to investigate and compare the working relationships between two periods: before and during COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of young people. Secondly, the research presents an overview of the existing working models with a focus to the new and smart ways of working. The study in based on mixed methods: literature review and quantitative research. 364 young people living in Tirana, Albania have completed a survey in January-March 2021 timeframe. The data gathered from this questionnaire were analyzed through SPSS software. The results suggest that in comparation with 2019 young people had greater flexibility in 2020 to work from home or both forms (remotely and in office). Furthermore, 38.57% of them have the opportunity to choose whether in future to work from office, home or in combination. 26.17% have responded that it depends on the manager decision and 35.26% are not sure about it. Similarly, more in depth data will be provided in relation to their development opportunities and demographic variables.
Keywords: COVID-19; new ways of working; young people; working conditions.