- Jun 8, 2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 3rd-conferenceme
Proceedings of The 3rd International Academic Conference on Management and Economics
Year: 2021
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/3rd.conferenceme.2021.06.242
Contribution of the Supervisory Board as Corporate Governance Body in the Development of the Company Strategy of State-Owned Enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Alden Bajgorić , Hosam Azat Elsaman, Liza Gernal
The importance of the corporate governance principles and practices endlessly raise attention in corporate business environment. The most particularly peak of the attention is culminating in the times of unethical behaviour of corporate governance structures. The purpose of this research is to find to which extent supervisory board is contributing to the development of the company strategy and focus on understanding theories and practices of state-owned enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The paper methodology followed deductive approaches and descriptive correlation analysis design the SPSS statistics tools. The sampling techniques followed the discriminative snowball sampling model by choosing the Supervisory Board members in Bosnian State-Owned Enterprises, by conducting a questionnaire method. The main results of this research that the role of Supervisory Board members in the development of corporate effectiveness, and overall objectives for state-owned enterprises. Moreover, the researcher spotted a significant relationship between more involvement of Supervisory board concepts of corporate governance and organisation development.
Keywords: Change management, Corporate governance, Strategy, Supervisory Board.