Implementation of Persuasive Communication through Student Enterprise, to Be Entrepreneurs at Muhammadiyah University Ponorogo

Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Management, Economics and Accounting

Year: 2022



Implementation of Persuasive Communication through Student Enterprise, to Be Entrepreneurs at Muhammadiyah University Ponorogo

Sayid Abas, Adi Santoso, Titis Purwaningrum, Sutrisno, Muhamad Fazil Ahmad



The problem of unemployment, especially in a scholar (highly educated), is a very frightening problem. The higher education system is still unable to meet the desire for job opportunities. Conditions like this require a solution so that unemployment does not increase. Therefore, the process of implementing entrepreneurship education and programs that lead to entrepreneurship needs to be taken by concrete steps to make students have an entrepreneurial mindset, so students dare to open their own jobs or become new entrepreneurs.
The theme in this study is the application of a persuasive communication strategy model through student enterprise in making students become entrepreneurs at Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo, using methods using qualitative and intensive approaches, namely, tenants get intensive entrepreneurship learning and mentoring from mentoring mentors who come from business practitioners and all related parties. This activity is carried out systematically, factually and accurately according to the facts and properties of the object.
To get the effectiveness of education and entrepreneurship programs at Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo, it is necessary to formulate an implementation of entrepreneurship education, one of which is entrepreneurial learning, based on Student Enterprise.
Student Enterprise is an entrepreneurial learning method in which students are formed in a group of business establishments, with their respective roles and functions as is usual for a company, a Student Enterprise a maximum of 5 students, and in this process, 5 Student Enterprise are formed. The results achieved from this activity are 1). A new entrepreneur was formed from the student group from the Student Enterprise that was assisted. 2). The new entrepreneurs that are formed can produce goods and or services and are able to establish institutions that have legality and science and technology excellence.
The results of the study found that the implementation of persuasive communication strategies carried out by business mentors, there was the formation of students’ attitudes and behaviors for entrepreneurship, which included; 1). Generating entrepreneurial motivation, 2). Understanding the Importance of Entrepreneurship, 3). Accept & choose entrepreneurship as a profession, 4). Dare and do business (new entrepreneur)

keywords: Effectiveness, learning implementation, Entrepreneurship.