Google Jam board Interactive Smartboard: Are Innovative Approaches Useful in Personal Branding Assignments?

Proceedings of ‏The 2nd world conference on Future of Education

Year: 2020


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Google Jam board Interactive Smartboard: Are Innovative Approaches Useful in Personal Branding Assignments?

Nuria Recuero Virto and María Francisca Blasco López



COVID-19 lockdown has prompted educational initiatives all around the globe as it has become an extraordinary challenge stimulating students’ e-learning process.  Due to this current technological disruption we are facing, educators confront the task of preparing job-ready graduates for the post-COVID-19 world. Thus, this outbreak has proved the need of adopting collaborative e-learning tools that support tailored mentoring,  and improve their hard and soft skills to join the current tech workforce. Although it is relevant to know students’ perceptions regarding their performance with collaborative tools, precisely interactive smartboards, no studies were found during the extensive literature review conducted. A research model has been pre-tested using a sample of students that attended an online Personal Branding Course of the Faculty of Commerce and Tourism of the Complutense University of Madrid. The results of this exploratory research reveal that (1) playfulness is a driver of intention to use; (2) a significant effect of interestingness of content on perceived playfulness; and (3) a relevant impact of perceived ease of use on playfulness. Interestingly, perceived ease of use and usefulness were not found to have a direct effect on intention to use. The results are reviewed so as to offer valuable academic and educational contributions.

Keywords: interactive smartboards, e-learning, Google Jamboard, playfulness, intention to use.