A Comparative Suggestion for Supporting History Class with Customized E-Tools

Proceedings of ‏The 2nd world conference on Future of Education

Year: 2020

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/2nd.wcfeducation.2020.09.178

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A Comparative Suggestion for Supporting History Class with Customized E-Tools

Dimitris Markantonatos



This paper aims to provide some empirical evidence on the assumption that History didactics as far as secondary education History class is concerned can be enhanced via the assistance of certain customized digital tools. If our objective is to shape students’ historical consciousness and enable them to perceive and interpret historical facts through reason and critical thinking, then we need the best use of primary sources and evidence, both textual and visual. This is where ICT comes in: We do firmly believe that school History is by nature amongst the most entitled and suitable areas for the implementation of ICT integration in class, since all kind of historical evidential material can be presented in the most pedagogically effective way with the use of modern digital tools. We will therefore present two otherwise almost identical History lessons, except that the second one was enriched with the use of certain digital material developed ad hoc for teaching purposes. In both cases the classes in reference were 3d grade of senior high school (17-18 years) and the outcome was reported in certain questionnaires handed to the students at the end of the process. As it turned out, the “blended” lesson, i.e. the one in which traditional teaching was supported with digital tools was eventually more successful and productive in all aspects regarding any major pedagogical and gnostic dimension.

Keywords: history, didactics, ICT, integration, pedagogics.