Methods of Teaching New Words Relating To the Economy

Proceedings of ‏The 2nd World Conference on Research in Social Sciences

Year: 2021


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Methods of Teaching New Words Relating To the Economy

Gulshat Hudayberdiyeva Saparbayevna, Yazgul Akiyeva Sultanovna, Bayramov Alparslan Kakajanovich, Berdiyev Wepa Kakabayevich



The main goal of the work is to show how to teach new words relating to the economy and introduce economic terms into the speech. In Turkmenistan, new methods and means of imparting in-depth education to the younger generation based on the latest achievements of science are being developed to carry out the study of foreign languages on a scientific basis. Comparing and contrasting our mother tongue, which has received the status of the state language of Turkmenistan with the world languages, and conducting scientific research in this way is considered to be such a large-scale and multifaceted work. New economic terms appeared in our native language in accordance with the economic reforms carried out in the country. The roles of economic terms become more important in helping students to practice their language skills as well as in the process of getting acquainted with the economy of a foreign language community. As a result of our country’s peaceful, mutually beneficial relations with foreign countries, new words and concepts are emerging in the language and are rapidly being put into use. Much of this refers to words that are not yet fully incorporated into the Turkmen language vocabulary, are limited in usage, and are often derived.In Turkmenistan, new methods and means of imparting in-depth education to the younger generation based on the latest achievements of science are being developed to carry out the study of foreign languages on a scientific basis.

Keywords: related words, economic terms, science, education, establishment.