Linear Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations of Third and Fourth order through GeoGebra Software for Engineering Students

Proceedings of ‏The 2nd International Conference on Research in Teaching and Education

Year: 2020


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Linear Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations of Third and Fourth order through GeoGebra Software for Engineering Students

Jorge Olivares and Elvis Valero



Several authors have proposed the use of GeoGebra software for the development of learning in various areas of physical sciences, mathematics and engineering.We use GeoGebra, because it is a free software, this tells us that it is free for teachers and students. This also present  the convenience that can be downloaded and installed on  home and universe computers, as well as mobile phone application.Today, there are many applications of GeoGebra to find the solutions of differential equations. In our case we will see some animated and dynamic constructions of applets of solutions for certain homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients of third and fourth order, which are created in the course of differential equations for engineering careers at the Universidad  Antofagasta in Chile.In previous works [8, 10] is quoted as saying that thanks to GeoGebra, also is possible to obtain the result of the exercise of a function quickly and accurately. It is used for supporting the theory of each concept (straight, exponential) detailed in the mathematical content, ant to verify the results obtained by solving the exercises in a traditional way.This work is the continuation of the teaching and work project “Interactive animations and creations in linear differential equations of the first order: the case of GeoGebra.

Keywords: GeoGebra, tics, differential equations, animations, education.