- Nov 12, 2019
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 2nd-ictle
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Teaching, Learning, and Education
Year: 2019
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/2nd.ictle.2019.11.702
Early Childhood Education in Uganda Primary Schools
Mary GoretiiNakabugo. Charles Opolot-Okunu and Connie MasembeSsehbunga Mary
Early childhood education is a starting point for a child’s development and the key foundation of the UgandaEducational System. This type of education is recognized by the Uganda Early Childhood Education. In the Policy provisions were made slating the objectives and guidelines taken by the government to achieve meet early childhood education goals. II unfolds the diverse socio-cultural meanings of the notion of quality in relation to teacherchild relationship, pedagogical instruction, learning environment and learning outcomes. The thesis demonstrates the need to locate Current policy initiatives and quality measures {including the notion and development of quality care and learning) within the social, cultural, economic and political contexts that surround its provision. This policy encourages and endorses private participation in the provision of pre-primary education. This article examines the implementation of the policy, pointing out the purposes of early childhood education, achievements made so far, current problems, and recommendations to address these problems.
Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Primary Schools, Pre-Primary Education.