Partnership among Educational Stakeholders:Its Impact on School Management

Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Teaching, Learning, and Education

Year: 2019


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Partnership among Educational Stakeholders: Its Impact on School Management

Christopher R. Estimada, Leny E. Aquino and Alma Estimada-Bolleser




This study determined the extent and impact of partnership among educational stakeholders on school management in the Philippines. Specifically, this study sought to determine the following: 1)  profile of the respondents with respect to their age, sex, highest educational attainment, nature of work, stakeholder category, and attitude on development values; 2) the extent of partnership among educational stakeholders along physical plant and facilities development, student development, personnel development, curriculum development, and programs and projects; 3) the significant difference in the extent of partnership of each group of stakeholders across the given areas of concern; 4) the significant relationships between the stakeholders’ partnership and their profile variables; and 5) the impact of the stakeholders’ partnership to education along physical plant and facilities, pupil motivation for learning and human relations. To answer problem number 1, frequency counts and percentages were used to process the data gathered on the respondents’ profile. Problem number 2, which focused on the extent of partnership among educational stakeholders along physical plant and facilities development, student development, personnel development, curriculum development, and programs and projects were treated using average weighted mean. Problem number 3 was on the significant differences in the partnership of the stakeholders in education across their profile variables. This was done, with the use of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) including the Post-hoc-test (Scheffe) for test and further verification of significance. Problem number 4 was treated using the Pearson Product Moment- Coefficient- of- Correlation to determine the significant relationship between the extent of the extent of partnership among educational stakeholders and their profile variables which are sex, highest educational attainment, nature of work, stakeholder category and attitude on development values.  Average weighted means (AWM) was used on problem number 5, to show the impact of partnership among educational stakeholders as perceive by school principals, teachers and parents along the following development areas of concern which were physical plant and facilities development, pupil motivation for learning and human relations. The following were the finding of the study. The age level of the respondents ranged from below 35 years of age up to above 50 years old, who are outnumbered by females, that is 140 of them out of 220, whose educational attainment is as low as high school graduate and as high as doctoral degree holders, most of whom are professionals and equally represent five (5) sectors, namely: the PTA, the school officials, the teachers, the LGU officials, and the NGO, and who practically are agreeable or favorable to most development values. The respondents have relatively consistent active partnership in educational development along the identified areas of concern, namely: physical plant and facilities development, student development, personnel development, and programs and projects with general average weighted mean ranging from 3.90 to 4.08. Similarly, at 0.5 level of significance, a difference in the respondents’ extent of partnership in education across their profile variables does not exist, except in the respondents’ attitude toward development values.  Likewise, at .0 level of significance, there are no relationships that exist between the respondents’ extent of partnership in education and their profile variables except in their attitude on development values where partnership among educational stakeholders in rendering is relatively high impact on education along pupil motivation for learning, human relations and physical plant and facilities development as indicated by an overall weighted average mean of 2.48, 2.46 and 2.45 respectively. Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were derived: Partnerships among educational stakeholders are dominated by females and by professionals with adequate educational qualifications, thereby, making women more active partners in educational development. The active partnership among the respondents as educational stakeholders is good and remarkable enough as stepping stone toward becoming more highly active. The educational stakeholders are comparable in their extent of partnership in education when compared across their profile variables, but not comparable when compared across, their attitude toward development values making this variable a significant indicator of variability among educational stakeholders.   Moreover, the profile variables of the respondents except attitudes on development values, do not affect their extent of partnership, so that while other variables do not have an effect in their partnership in education, only attitude on development values can cause active partnership among educational stakeholders. So, the relatively high impact of the partnership among educational stakeholders to education and school management is commendable enough to be more highly strengthened for better education. Based on the findings and conclusions drawn the following recommendations are hereby presented: Both men and women from different sectoral groups should be encouraged to be more highly active partners in educational development regardless of career or profession. A more highly active, vigorous, and dynamic partnership among educational stakeholders from different sectoral groups with much higher impact to education should be encouraged by posing it as a challenge to everyone. Furthermore, a more carefully selected related variable s should further be identified, specifically, those that are strong indicators for very active and dynamic partnership among educational stakeholders, including those that can cause or positively affect such active and dynamic partnerships. The need to hasten the impact of the extent of partnership among stakeholders should be made and similar research study may be conducted along other perspectives or dimensions

Keywords: curriculum development; facilities development; personnel development; physical plant; student development.