- Jun 12, 2019
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 2nd-icshe
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Social Science, Humanities and Education
Year: 2019
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/2nd.icshe.2019.06.315
Local Self – government in Croatia: Possibility for Change
Mirko Klaric
In Croatia local self –government is introducing on two levels. On the first level are established two types of cities and municipalities. On the second level are counties. Today in Croatia is 20 counties and capital city Zagreb which also have status as county. On the first level in Croatia are established 555 local units – 428 municipalities and 127 cities. Present structure of local self-government has been formatted in 1992 Year, when is abounded earlier system of local self-government. Local units have public authorities and tasks, divided to cities and municipalities’ one the first level, and counties on the second level. The public jurisdiction of municipalities and cities are in principle equal. The difference is only between cities which have a status as a “large cities”, and they have some additional public authorities. One of the questions in future reform of local self government is how to improve organization of local self-government and how services which provide do more quality, efficiently and available for affordable price.
Keywords: Public administration, Local Government, Croatia.