Comparing the results of the urica and the tmq to determine the effect of contingency management intervention on intrinsic motivation

Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Social Science, Humanities and Education

Year: 2019


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Comparing the results of the urica and the tmq to determine the effect of contingency management intervention on intrinsic motivation

Mohamad Salleh Abdul Ghani, Mohamad Isa Amat and Haslee Sharil Lim Abdullah



The objective of the study was to determine whether contingency management (CM) intervention also known as motivational incentive influences intrinsic motivation of clients in an institutionalized drug treatment centre. A Randomized controlled trial design was used in this study involving random assignment of subjects into experimental and controlled groups. A total of 44 clients were divided into two groups namely the experimental group who received the usual program with CM intervention (CM) and the control group receiving only the usual program (TAU). CM interventions are administered from the beginning of the first week to week 12th and terminated on the 13th to 16th week to observe the follow-up effect of CM’s effectiveness on client motivation. CM interventions used in this study via sticker chart rewards system where every achieved positive behaviour changes in the treatment session will be rewarded with a reward sticker which will be put on the clients’ achievement chart. The sticker has a certain monetary value that can be exchanged with privileges or certain items. Experimental groups received CM rewards while no rewards are given to the control group. To measure the client’s motivation level, two standardize instrument was used which was the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment (URICA) and the Treatment Motivation Questionnaire (TMQ). Qualitative data was also collected through a semi-structured interview to gain an in-depth input on the effectiveness of CM toward the client’s intrinsic motivation as well as to determine the consistency of the quantitative findings. The results showed that CM effective in improving the intrinsic motivation of the clients towards the treatment programs. Results of the interview showed that most clients felt that CM helped increase their self-motivation to participate in the treatment session and enhance their spirit to implement the knowledge learned from the treatment session.

Keywords: Contingency management, substance use disorders, intrinsic motivation, Treatment Motivation Questionnaire, Stages of Change.