A study on socio-economic issues influencing the urbanization process in Sri Lanka

Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Social Science, Humanities and Education

Year: 2019

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/2nd.icshe.2019.06.307

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A study on socio-economic issues influencing the urbanization process in Sri Lanka

Waruni Wickramaarachchi,Geethani Amaratunga



The main purpose of this study is to discuss on the issues and challenges related to urbanization process in Sri Lankan society. Urbanization is closely linked to modernization and the sociological process of rationalization. It is not a modern phenomenon. Rural culture is being rapidly replaced by predominantly urban culture. Many rural inhabitants come to the city for reasons of seeking fortunes and prosperity. This process takes place due to various push and pull factors. The push factors originate at sending areas and the pull factors originate at receiving areas. Push factors are better employment opportunities, better economic possibilities and better facilities for education housing and medical treatments. But the picture of urbanization is not so much glorious as it apparently seems. After introducing of the open economic system in 1977 in Sri Lanka, a large number of men and women migrated from rural areas to urban areas. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to examine issues and challenges faced by the urban community. The research problem was seeking for social problems confronted with the population living in a sub culture based on Wanathamulla area. Wanathamulla area is located within the Gampaha district and identified as the most prominent area for the inquire. In this study the research methods used for collection and assimilation of data were observation, questionnaire, and interviews. Gampaha district is being the most prominent one in this respect. Wanathamulla is leading at the divisional level was selected as the research area. Rapid urbanization raises many issues that might have both positive and negative impacts on the society.

Keywords: open economic system, urbanization, push factors, pull factors.