National Identity in the Context of Globalisation

Proceedings of ‏The 2nd International Conference on Research in Social Sciences and Humanities

Year: 2020


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National Identity in the Context of Globalisation

Daniela Cârstea



Nationhood is not an a priori entity, if not a symbolic and communicative device around which people imagine themselves to be. Hence the concept of identity does not refer to a universal, fixed identity, but to a contingent, historically and culturally specific social construction. Fragmented, cross-cultural, multiple identities may and are generated in the relationship between cultural identities and globalisation. Globalisation has increased the range of (re)sources available for identity construction, allowing for the production of hybrid identities in the context of a global society where bounded societies and states are cut across by the circulation of other global cultural discourses. The widespread “cut’ n’ mix” of cultural forms in the context of globalisation and the ensuing emergence of hybrid identities will be illustrated in the paper by the Bhutanese community. The ensuing changes will be analysed as leading not only to the fragmentation of the “self” and the formation of multiple personal identities, closely followed by the fragmentation and differentiation of culture, but also to the destruction or undermining of the older bases of political and social identity. This process of fragmentation and multiplication, which can be understood as the creation of a space that enables individuals to develop new loyalties and identities after the fracturing of the old “narratives” is symptomatic of an erosion of national identity, a dissolving of it in the onslaught of globalisation.

Keywords: decentred; dislocation; disembedding; imperialism; subaltern.