- Sep 3, 2019
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 2nd-icrhs
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Research in Humanities and Social Sciences
Year: 2019
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/2nd.icrhs.2019.09.522
Block Statue of Ḏd-ḥr, (Cairo JE. 36668)
Eman Ahmed Ali Abou Zaid
The unusual statue to be discussed in this article in the Cairo Museum, it has never been published before. The provenance of which is Karnak temple. It belongs to the god father and priest of Amun Ḏd-ḥr. Another one of the block statues that came from the courtyard of the seventh pylon at Karnak which is called as the Court of the Cachette. The statue of Ḏd-ḥr, the son of PA-hb, it is housed in the Egyptian museum (EMC) in two parts, the statue has a registration number JE. 36668 and its base which also was broken into four fragments registered with numbers JE. 36669 and GEM. 2282, The statue and its base are preserved separately in a good state of preservation, with its base they measure in high 45.8 cm and its base 17 cm. The statue discussed here is not among the more spectacular sculptures brought to light from Cachette, it displays unusual form that shows the statue by it was made firstly then fixed on its large base, maybe the reasons behind that is to provide more free space for texts. Also to show the statue larger than the original on its base.
Keywords: Block statue, Cairo museum, Karnak, Late period.