Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Gender Studies and Sexuality
Year: 2022
The presence of the transgender body/embodiment as a subject of research within the sociology of the body by analyzing the scientific journal Body & Society
Klara Bełza
Thanks to the publication, scientists’ texts are read, discussed, and cited. The more prestigious the journal is, the article and its topic become more significant in the scientific space. In recent years, study on the sociology of the body has expanded rapidly. Many theories have been developed describing the human body and how it constructs reality around him. Transgender studies are also becoming more important in the social sciences as a field of study. The body/embodiment is a unique part of transgender people’s lives and personal and social identity. Unfortunately, the leading representatives of the sociology of the body overlooked the topic of transgender people’s embodiment in their theories. This study aims to investigate the presence of the transgender body as a subject of research within the sociology of the body by analyzing the scientific journal Body & Society. Quantitative and qualitative content analysis was employed for this objective. All issues of the journal were subject to quantitative analysis. This allowed the importance of the topic of the transgender body to be defined, in line with the assumption that the higher the frequency of the case, the more important it is. The qualitative analysis covered six articles, which were entirely devoted to the issues related to the transgender body. Using the categorizing tool, I created a list of the most essential, common characteristics demonstrating which aspects of the transgender body were most important for researchers.
keywords: analysis, body, journal, sociology of the body, transgender.