Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Future of Teaching and Education
Year: 2019
Implementation of e-portfolio for student teachers’ reflexive competence in a South African University
Nonzukiso Tyilo
Digital learning is increasing in numerous learning spaces to nurture students’ different learning styles and ensure that student teachers possess the 21st century graduate attributes for them to be prepared for the world of work. This resulted in the implementation of e-portfolio as a tool for students to reflect on their practices and experiences. For this paper, e-portfolio implemented was piloted in the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) as a component of teacher education programme. This paper explored the experiences, benefits and challenges student teachers encountered when e-portfolio was piloted. Interpretive qualitative research method was adopted and 32 student teachers registred for Life Orientation Methodology module were conveniently sampled. Tools used for collecting data were reflective journals and semi-structured interviews. The findings revealed that the participants felt empowered as they became creative and critical thinkers. In additon, more computer literacy skills are necessary to successfully implement e-portfolio. Accessability and data were identified as challenges that may compromise the adoption of e-portfolio. This paper recommends that basic computer literacy course be designed for all student teachers. In addition, increasing student’s access to computers and network connections / WiFi to be prioritised for students’ professional development through digital learning.
Keywords: 21st-century skills, Digital literacy, e-portfolio, Reflexive competence, Work integrated learning.