The Role of Digital Transformation in the Socio-Economic Recovery Post COVID-19

Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Research in Management, Economics and Accounting

Year: 2022



The Role of Digital Transformation in the Socio-Economic Recovery Post COVID-19

Hanan Amin Mohamed



Several measures have been taken to reduce the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. One of these measures is the broad digital transformation that has rapidly and unexpectedly forced the deployment of digital technologies into corporations’ business models and organizational structures. This digital transformation has affected all the socio-economic aspects.

The literature revealed that digital transformation can give a boost to productivity and economic growth as digitalization creates opportunities that improve the quality of living all the way through social inclusion of families, workforce, and learners. Meanwhile, this digital transformation also generates challenges to the policymakers especially in developing countries which lack the well-developed digital infrastructure. This is having not only a local key dimension, but also a national and an international dimension.

In response to the COVID-19 global pandemic, this paper explores the impact of the implementation of digital transformation on the socio-economic recovery. More notably, the study provides a reflection of the significant socio-economic influences of COVID-19 while speeding up digital transformation.

keywords: Digital Transformation; Socio-Economic; COVID-19.