Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Research in Education, Teaching and Learning
Year: 2020
Collaboration with teachers in the domain of school counseling
Sladjana Zuković and Senka Slijepčević
The paper starts from the point of view on the necessity of integrative and system based approach to school counseling which, among other things, requires active collaboration with teachers. In that sense, the objective of this research was aimed at examining the experiences of pedagogues in the domain of their counseling practice in the school setting in Serbia. More specifically, we are interested in experiences which pedagogues have in the area of collaboration with teachers regarding counseling practices. Pragmatist qualitative research approach was used in this research with the semi-structured interview as a research technique. There were 81 elementary school pedagogues that were participating in this research. The results show that majority of teachers are open for collaboration with pedagogues during school counseling, especially in cases when students experience learning difficulties or when there are disciplinary issues in classes. Teachers’ acceptance of pedagogues’ advice is dependent on their personality and their classroom management style. Interestingly, results also show that teachers at lower levels of education are more open for cooperation. Based on the results of this research we discuss the possibilities for improving the practice of collaboration with teachers in the domain of school counseling. In conclusion this paper offers recommendations for improving the partnership relations as a basis for effective counseling with students.
Keywords: Collaboration, counseling, partnership, pedagogue.