Respect for Privacy in European Context

Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences

Year: 2022



Respect for Privacy in European Context

Dr. Mihaela AGHENIȚEI, Dr. Valentina CORNEA



Articles 7 and 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union state that respect for private life and the protection of personal data are closely related but are considered separate fundamental rights. The Charter is incorporated in the Treaty of Lisbon, and therefore has binding legal force for all European Union institutions and bodies, as well as all Member States when they implement European Union legislation.

Objective: The right to privacy to be reflected in the same way in the provisions of the GDPR.
Council of Europe Convention 108 was adopted for the protection of individuals in relation to automation. Its purpose is to establish that all persons respect their fundamental rights and freedoms, namely the right to privacy in relation to the automatic processing of their personal data.
The Personal Data Processing Act of 28 January 1981 is the first legally binding international instrument specifically adopted in the field of data protection.
Purpose: A new paper to merge GDPR with Convention 108+ for uniform application in judicial practice.

keywords: “fundamental rights”, “privacy as a right”, “personal data”, “freedom”, “automatic processing