Brazilian “Choro” Music: Social Justice for Race and Class in Brazil

Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences

Year: 2022



Brazilian “Choro” Music: Social Justice for Race and Class in Brazil

Maurita Murphy Marx, DMA



The Brazilian Choro (to cry) is the National music of Brazil that cultivated in the late 1800s in Rio de Janeiro.  The music is a combination of African-based rhythms, European forms, and both Brazilian and European instruments.  The music and musicians represented both social and racial diversity in Brazil.  Choro musicians traversed from the plantations to the cities, through upper and lower class societies. Pixinghuinha (known as the “King” of choro), together with his group Oito Batutas, suffered discrimination just to play their national music for their fellow countrymen. They persisted in their passion to promote the Choro as their original Brazilian music.  The oral paper presentation includes PowerPoint slides as well as a CD Brazilian Choro performed by this author.

keywords: Choro, Brazil, Pixinguinha, miscegenation, branqueamento.