Proceedings of The 12th International Conference on New Ideas in Management, Economics and Accounting
Year: 2023
Manifold Professional Institutes’ Landscape and Business Rescue Occupational Professionalism
Onesmus Ayaya
The study explored business rescue professionalism in manifold professional institutes’ settings. The study employed multiple qualitative inquiry procedures to collect and analyse data. Among others, interviews and qualitative document content analysis were employed to document the manifestations of professionalism with a manifold professional institute landscape. The collected data were analysed qualitatively employing triangulation, thematic analysis, and alternative explanations to the emerging findings. The results show that occupational professionalism cannot be uniformly constructed in manifold professional institutes’ settings. Professionalism requires an occupation-specific framework and training regime. A unique selling proposition is hard to craft in a manifold professional institutes’ settings and requires a qualification framework that respects regulated practices. The short learning programmes are inconsistent with skills development laws that require competency-based training to be informed by instructional programmes registered on the national qualifications framework.Practical implications- the regulator will need to lead an occupation-specific development process to allow practitioners to embrace a uniform socialisation structure with common values. Occupational-specific qualifications will require documentation of regulated BRP practices.
keywords: business, rescue, practitioner, expert, occupation